Student newspaper takes first place in state competition and wins over 10 additional awards


Georgia Highlands College’s student newspaper the Six Mile Post had one of its strongest showings yet at the Georgia College Press Association’s annual contest—and against four-year institutions no less.

Professor of English and SMP Adviser Kristie Kemper stated that even though SMP staffers now have to go head-to-head against many colleges with four-year journalism or communications programs due to a change in the awarding process, it didn’t stifle their drive to bring home top honors.

The student newspaper took first place in General Excellence at the GCPA luncheon last week in Athens, beating out Georgia College and State University in third and Berry College in second place.

The Six Mile Post also took first place in the General Awards category for News, Sports, and Improvement. The paper additionally found second place in Editorials.

But the list doesn’t stop there. GHC student Mary Roberts Demesquita won the Impact Award, which is for the best editorial cartoonist.

Other individual awards were: Stacey Moffett, second place best entertainment story category; Mary Roberts Demesquita, third place best entertainment feature; Anna Douglass, second place best column; Larry Oswalt, third place best column; Christina Goodwin, first place best editorial/feature photo; Jeremy Hoskins, second place best editorial/feature photo; Lydia Chandler, second place best feature story; and Shelby Hogland, second place best sports photo.

SMP Editor-in-chief Stacey Moffett said that winning validates her staff’s hard work.

“It was invigorating, because up to this point it has been stressful… and we’ve had some difficulties,” she said, “it was very invigorating to win, to know that all your work is appreciated.”

Kemper stated that she is very proud of what the Six Mile Post was able to accomplish against more difficult competition.

“It shows a lot of hard work by the students,” she said. “And one thing that really struck me is how well our freshmen and sophomores are holding their own with freshmen and sophomores at UGA, Georgia State, and other schools. We always say at GHC that we provide a really strong first two years, and I think this shows that we really do.”

To see more about the Six Mile Post, visit them at




PHOTO: Stacey Moffett, SMP Editor-in-Chief, and Taylor Barton, SMP Chief Photographer, place the newest edition of GHC’s student publication the Six Mile Post on stands for students to pick up and read.